Bria Moos

What makes Bria Wildly Capable?

“Bria brings positive energy and a deep commitment to everything she does: her friendships, marriage, motherhood, work, exercise, and community involvement. While she has accomplished a lot, it’s more about how she brings people together in the doing that makes her so special.” ALLY GLAVAS 

What makes you feel proud? 

I am proud of my compassion for helping others. From a young age I have always had the desire to help others in any way I possibly could. This is reflected in my work now by representing Oklahomans who are in a tough spot and need an advocate. I started at my firm, Adler Markoff and Associates, in law school as an intern and worked my way up to being named a Partner, and I am the first female Partner in the firm’s almost three decades of existence. I am a fierce advocate for my clients and I fight hard for what they deserve. I consider myself the biggest cheerleader of those around me and firmly believe that being nice to everyone can get you far in life. I can’t count how many times people have told me they don’t believe I’m a lawyer because I am too nice! I feel like I am just getting started and can’t wait to see what I accomplish in the future! 

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far? 

I think learning to say “no” was a big obstacle for me to overcome, and I am still working on it. I used to be such a “yes” woman! I said “yes” to everything, which led to being overcommitted, spread thin, and so exhausted. It took me a long time to realize that was no life to live and over the last few years I have learned to focus on things that I truly have a passion for and want to give my time to. 

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different? 

I hope I learn to live in the present a little more! I have always been the person so worried about the future but time truly goes by so fast. I’ve realized, especially after having my daughter, that you blink and another month has gone by. I hope I can slow down and embrace all the moments big and small a little more. 

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

Trust the process. It takes time for things to unfold and reach their full potential or for goals to be achieved. In our fast-paced world it is easy to lose that patience. 


Briana Byrkit-Currell


Blanca Collins