Morgan Evans
What makes Morgan Wildly Capable?
Morgan is honest, smart and driven to help make our world better. Like any female of color she has faced adversity, but she has continued to be a force. She is now one of the leaders at Halo Project. There are very few people I meet and immediately admire, but she is one of those people.”
What makes you feel proud?
I am proud of my healing journey from the traumatic and adverse experiences I have had in life. I’m grateful that in seasons in which I was ready to give up, I continued to persevere. I celebrate that out of an overflow of my healing journey, I can uplift and encourage others in their journey. I am proud of how I live each day to the fullest.
Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?
Robert Evans, my father, is my biggest influence in life. Not only has he inspired me as he remarkably overcame so many barriers, but he has also been a constant support and encouragement in every step of my journey. The person I am today is a direct result of my dad’s love, care and guidance. The ways and teachings of Jesus are also a foundational influence. I’ve seen miracles and experienced the goodness of God.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
A mentor once told me to “do it afraid” and that altered my relationship with fear and confidence. I do not let fear stop me from stepping outside my comfort zone. I know, acknowledge and validate my fear, assess the opportunity and with discernment I step out in boldness to do it afraid.
What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?
My father was the first Black male principal in Edmond; at an early age I learned how cruel and relentless people can be toward people of color. Both the blatant and subliminal experiences with racism and discrimination have been a constant throughout my life. These experiences heightened the pressure to perform with perfection, developed insecurities about being Black and at times wrecked my self-esteem.
Through these experiences, I have learned three things:
1. The right people and the right places will honor your value. Some of my giftings, abilities and qualities of my character that were minimized and at worst reprimanded in one environment, were the exact giftings, abilities and characteristics that were cherished and praiseworthy in another. As best as I can, I surround myself with people and in places that honor my worth.
2. Your worth is not defined by others. The world at large will continue to send messages about who I am or what I should be, but I do not allow these messages to define me.
3. Do not hesitate to stand up for yourself and your convictions. I purpose to always speak truth toward injustice, for myself and others.