Melodie Garneau
What makes Melodie Wildly Capable?
Mel is a loving mother of an autistic trans daughter and overall amazing. She recently co founded Green Pastures Studio and the Oklahoma Film and TV Academy, making a path for storytellers and filmmakers in the Hollywood industry.” AMY JANES
What makes you feel proud?
The family I have built with my partner of 25 years, Helen. We adopted Jane when she was a toddler in foster care. Our hard work—hers and ours—have brought her much further than anyone thought she could go with her disabilities. She was born to biological parents with addiction and intellectual problems, yet Jane figures out ways to adapt: she can read, drive a car, shop... all things doctors didn’t think she could do.
What keeps you up at night?
Making sure my daughter will be alright when I’m gone. The lack of mental health facilities and the high rate of incarcerations for women in Oklahoma. The general anger and intolerance that is building in the U.S. coupled with the rise in natural disasters that widen the gap between haves and have nots. There’s a lot to do and I’m not getting any younger!
What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?
My parents died when I was young and I was on my own at 16. I didn’t learn a lot of coping or life skills. Everything ends up being learned the hard way. But it does give you the ability to just jump in and say let’s do it.
One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?
Professionally, I’m hoping I will be filming the project I’ve been working on for six years about the Tulsa Race Massacre and I have gotten my children’s book published. Personally, I hope my daughter can live independently, I can take a vacation and that I am increasing my patience and empathy levels. I feel I should probably add I hope I’m thinner, healthier and taller... maybe two out of three?!