Becky Watson

What makes Becky Wildly Capable?

“Becky is an amazing woman! No matter what life throws her way, she always handles it with grace and a positive outlook. I admire her sense of adventure, zest for living life unapologetically, and whimsical fashion. She just started her own business, too, and we all know what courage that takes!”


What makes you feel proud? 

My incredible kids, how they have grown, and watching them take on everything life sends their way makes me proud. My friends make me proud and I love sharing in their accomplishments and witnessing the way they face adversity. And this one is hard to say out loud, but I make myself proud. Looking back on where I was and how far I’ve come, I am proud of my journey. It’s made me the woman I am today. 

What keeps you up at night? 

Self-doubt. Sometimes it’s hard to accept the good when that worm of self doubt creeps in and makes us question our value, strength, and worthiness. 

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different? 

I hope my eyes are more open to the beauty inside of those around me as well as the same in myself. 

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why? 

My tribe! Those women who have been with me through life whether for a reason, season, or a lifetime. I have been blessed to work with, travel with, live with, and be encouraged by so many amazing women. They are there to share life – the joys and sorrows, health and illness. They walk not just beside me but also in front of me to pull me up and behind me to spur me on. I am beyond blessed! 

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

“My race, my pace.” This was a mantra taught to me when I started running several years ago but it is so true as we are all running the race of life. Each journey is different but beautiful in its own way. Don’t compare your life to others as you don’t see the whole road they have traveled. Comparison is the thief of joy. Always live joyfully! 


Blanca Collins


Ashley Nichols