Kristen Arambula Hernandez
What makes Kristen Wildly Capable?
Kristen is the embodiment of a giving, kind and nurturing woman in the lives of so many. She is an indigenous birthworker and medicine woman within the Potawatomi tribal community who is also sharing her wisdom to heal her community throughout Oklahoma. SHONNA CHILES-HEINTZELMAN
What makes you feel proud?
I feel proud when I embody the Seven Grandfather teachings: Wisdom, Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility and Truth. I feel proud when I learn a new word in Bodwéwadmimwen because preserving our language is preserving our culture. I feel proud knowing my body has been providing sacred milk to my children for more than 11 consecutive years. I feel proud when I choose love over fear.
One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?
One year from today I hope I have learned even better how to forgive myself and others. I hope I have learned better discernment to cut away all that does not serve the highest good on my path. A year from today I hope to have expanded my understanding of traditional star and traditional ecological knowledge, specifically by being able to name stars, constellations and plants by using their traditional Bodéwadmi names.
What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?
The biggest obstacle of my life has been working through the processes of decolonization while reclaiming my indigeneity. A huge part of my Heart Path is to dismantle colonial ideologies while serving as a bridge of unification as we live our lives in harmony while kindling and tending to the Eighth Fire.
What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?
The single biggest problem I would like to solve in my community is improving our ability to listen to our wisest advisor, our heart, and communicate from our heart center. I believe this is the first step in achieving harmony.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
The best advice I ever received was from a well known Maya Tz’utujil Ajq’ij (spiritual leader). She reminds us that there are many situations in life that will cause your heart pain and suffering, but the greatest pain of all is to not follow your Heart Path.