Kaitlin Burton
What makes Kaitlin Wildly Capable?
Kait is a mother of several little ones who has built a doula and childbirth education business that inspires so many. TARYN GOODWIN
What makes you feel proud?
When I think of Kaitlin one year ago, lying in bed with three little boys and a fresh nursing baby, wondering how in the world I was going to survive the heartbreak of my divorce and be the mother I needed to be for my kids, I feel proud. I am still working toward the life I want for us, and it is a struggle, but at that time I couldn’t see a light. I am now living in that light. I’ve learned that the light we seek while in the depths of hurt isn’t our final destination, it is simply a glimmer of hope. A better place.
What keeps you up at night?
Knowing how little time I have with my boys before they are grown. I look around and see most parents in such a daze from the insanity of parenting—on complete autopilot. I almost wish I were still in that space. The unmovable ache of living a life completely aware that each moment is fleeting is at times unbearable, but it has changed my mothering forever. I am now in a place where I am no longer drowning in motherhood. I am fully immersed in it with proper breathing equipment. This allows me to look at everything from my kids’ messy rooms, to their laughs, to their tantrums, to the freckles on their faces and the stories they tell me with different eyes. Present eyes. Knowing eyes. The eyes of a mother who never wants to take those tiny, incredible things for granted. And she never will again.
What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?
I don’t love giving this piece of me any power, but I’d be lying if I said anything other than anxiety. I feel like anxiety has ruled a good portion of my teen and adult life. I’ve been on and off numerous medications, but mama’s got some trapped trauma, and anxiety loves living within that. Some days I feel like I never want to leave my bed, other days I’m dancing around my living room to Celine Dion living my best life. I continuously practice all of the things that make people’s eyes roll into the back of their head, and guess what? They actually help. Journaling, meditation, and practicing radical acceptance in all things takes the edge off of this “dark passenger” that’s always by my side.
What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?
The hurriedness of how we live and our overall misguided view of what productivity looks like. Our most beautiful life lies in the quiet. In the moments no one sees. We are so distracted by accomplishing our tasks or dissociating from reality that we are missing everything. We are missing the way our mother looks at us the first time they see us as a mother. The way our father makes up songs for our babies the way he used to do for us. Our baby’s eyes the first time they see snow fall and a flake lands on their hand. Delight. Wonder. We are missing the wonder of our lives. Life is being lived around us whether we participate in it or not.