Natalie Kent

If challenging the status quo were an art form, Natalie has mastered the art. She changes her world by using her natural skills & talents to fight injustice and inspiring others to do the same.

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

The biggest problem I’d like to solve is climate change. The Earth’s climate touches every point in our lives including our most basic needs. Folks don’t realize they are more likely to be a climate refugee than a billionaire. But most of us are so disconnected from our planet when we live our daily lives, we don’t realize that on this ship called “Earth” we are killing off the crew that keeps the ship running. And politicians would rather focus on the issues that get them elected next year rather than tackling the more difficult yet most threatening problem that will impact generations to come. I’m not a climate scientist or hold a degree in conservation science, but I know it’s going to take all of us, especially creative people, to tackle the biggest issue our species is facing.

“Sometimes the hard thing is choosing to speak up when something isn’t right, especially when you know you’re alone in doing so. But I believe speaking up against racism, discrimination and the status quo is what can create change.”

What makes you feel proud?

I feel proud when I accomplish the hard things. It could be completing a difficult goal I set for myself that took a lot of time to reach, or a big project that I knew was going to be hard to accomplish and would push me out of my comfort zone. Sometimes the hard thing is choosing to speak up when something isn’t right, especially when you know you’re alone in doing so. But I believe speaking up against racism, discrimination and the status quo is what can create change.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

“Take your graduation dates off your resume.” I was given this advice when I was told that my experience level was beyond my age, and that I may not be considered for bigger leadership roles simply because of my age. It’s a small but incredibly valuable piece of advice which helped me advance in my career and I share it as much as I can.

natalie is one of 100 women we have featured in the inaugural issue of Hundred Magazine. To learn more about her and the other 99 women, buy the issue.


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