Piper Riggs

Encouragement is Piper’s superpower and she uses it to touch everyone she comes across, whether at home with her kids, out with friends or at the office.

What makes you feel proud?

Being an intentional mom and wife, working hard for people who deserve all the wins and getting to celebrate client victories.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My parents! They were both the first people in their family to graduate from college, have gone on to accomplish so many things in their life and just have an undeniable ability to work through hard things. They’ve been my personal cheerleading section since day one and looking back at it now, made parenting look easy. My Dad had a stroke this year and watching them navigate this journey has been inspiring. My Dad works so hard every day to be able to speak again and my Mom has been right by his side every step of the way. I feel lucky to have them as parents and friends.

“Navigating being the kind of mom I want to be while running a business is a challenge. I’m not willing to be mediocre at either which causes tension sometimes.”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Navigating being the kind of mom I want to be while running a business is a challenge. I’m not willing to be mediocre at either which causes tension sometimes.

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

I have such a heart and passion for new moms. The journey of motherhood is one that nothing can prepare you for and while it’s beautiful, it’s also the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I find new moms who have gone through postpartum depression or have sick babies in the first year really struggle with knowing which way is up. The loss of identity is so real and I would love to be a voice of hope to these sweet mamas who feel so desperate for normality.

piper is one of 100 women we have featured in the inaugural issue of Hundred Magazine. To learn more about her and the other 99 women, buy the issue.


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