Jana Gridley

She’s the first to admit she’s not perfect, but Jana realizes God has uniquely equipped her for the work of raising a family and building a community to affirm the value of women and the work they do.


What keeps you up at night?

My teenage sons! We are busy with their homework, extracurricular activities, sports and laundry! After a full workday and outside interests/commitments, there's a lot to do between 5:00 and bedtime. Late-night talks with teenagers are precious and worth it, though!

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

I grew up in a loving home and have had so many friends and personal/professional mentors influence me in positive, impactful ways through the years. However, the person who's had the biggest influence in my life is Jesus Christ. The love, grace and mercy he provides is profound and his promises are truly life-changing.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Adapting to my family's needs at various seasons has been an obstacle that I think I've wisely navigated. Stepping in and out of roles depending on my bandwidth and their needs has required humility and sacrifice at times. Managing my responsibilities as an employee, wife, mom, an adult child of aging parents requires a lot of prayer, wisdom, boundaries and give and take! I've not done it perfectly and have regrets at times, but I trust God and have hope despite any obstacle.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

One of my favorite writers, Nora Ephron, said, "Be the heroine of your life, not the victim."

“Managing my responsibilities as an employee, wife, mom, an adult child of aging parents requires a lot of prayer, wisdom, boundaries and give and take!”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

Many women in the Oklahoma City workforce are disconnected from God, the church and authentic community with other women. They lack hope and purpose and are lonely. I want professional women to know they are loved by Jesus, belong in community and that their work has dignity and importance.


Jean Lehr


Jamie Crone