Jean Lehr

Now retired from her decades in marketing, the legacy Jean leaves is her unique approach that helped countless businesses achieve their goals.


What keeps you up at night?

I would say beyond family, the success in business for the many years I did. When you go out on your own, there’s no guarantee you’re going to make it. The trail was challenging and fun and intellectually stimulating and it never really scared me. It was solving issues constantly and reaching as many people as possible but I wasn’t scared of that. It changed all the time but I worked hard to stay one step ahead and that makes me proud.

What keeps you up at night?

Not much. I am a bit of a news hound, so if anything keeps me up it’s probably worrying about our country at this point and where we’re headed and where some of our adversaries are headed.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

Easily my Mother. She was honest, creative, family-oriented and worked almost her whole life.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

Well, I hope to travel a little more. There are just so many parts of the country I haven’t been to because I’ve been working. Now I get to explore that in retirement.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Do your very best, always.

“You conquer new things and you realize what your weaknesses are and you forge ahead.”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Myself. Self-doubt I think is the biggest challenge. The challenges differ as you age. As you get older you conquer what’s in front of you but as you mature you have new problems, too. Look at everything that’s changed in the world each year, especially the past couple years. But maturity helps. You conquer new things and you realize what your weaknesses are and you forge ahead.


Jenna Morey


Jana Gridley