Jade Gifford

Set apart by her optimism and go-getter attitude, Jade works to overcome challenges in her life with transparency and resiliency.


What makes you feel proud?

I am proud of the life I have built and am continuing to build for myself, professionally and personally. I am a homeowner in my mid-twenties, have invested a large piece of my personal life in rescuing animals, and am heavily involved in my community.

What keeps you up at night?

Fear of settling, failure and never reaching my dream career goals. As a child, I used to not audition or try out for something if there were odds I wouldn't be chosen. I was terrified of rejection and not being good enough. As an adult, that unfortunately is still a piece of my mental process. I am having to remind myself to force myself outside of my comfort zone on a daily basis. While rejection hurts, persistence grows and so does the thought that something better is finding its way to me.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Keep going and do your best not to compare your personal growth timeline to someone else.

“I knew from a young age I didn't want to go without and struggle financially, but more importantly, I wanted to be known for my strong sense of work ethic.”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Family dynamics, money and social surroundings, good or bad, play an integral part in everyone's upbringing. One could project that I work as hard as I do because I grew up without money, and that may be part of it. For me, I was always surrounded by highly hard-working people. I knew from a young age I didn't want to go without and struggle financially, but more importantly, I wanted to be known for my strong sense of work ethic.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope to be living without debt. I hope to have progressed into a job within my dream field. More importantly, I hope I have made strides in my health and wellness journey.


Jamie Crone


Jackie Corcoran