Jackie Corcoran

While some people might be bored with a repetitive life, Jackie says she’s learned to love the monotony because she knows what it’s like to live in chaos and now she has peace.


What makes you feel proud?

Being able to be a healthy mother to my kids. I’m an overcomer. I have rebuilt my life several times. I have fought hard to become the woman and mother I am. I’ve been rock bottom and dug my way out.

What keeps you up at night?

I wonder if I’m raising my children to be strong enough, independent, courageous, polite, responsible types of humans. I worry about the type of future my girls are going into at the moment. Women's rights and all. I also worry about my trans son and his rights right now. And I worry everyday about their mental health. I worry if I’m doing the mom thing well. I’m hoping I’ve healed from past trauma enough to love them the way they need to be loved. I always worry there’s not enough of me to give.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I learn and growing everyday. At home, I continually hope to be a better mother and keep my kids thriving. At work, I hope to keep growing in my career and growing my clientele.

“I’m hoping I’ve healed from past trauma enough to love them the way they need to be loved.”

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

It may not be as much a person as a situation. My sisters I made in recovery will always be a huge influence just like Remerge was and as odd as it may sound, being incarcerated influenced me the most. I learned some hard lessons and lost everything during that time including parental rights to one of my daughters. But during that time I decided that was not going to be my legacy. I was not going to be remembered for my past mistakes.


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