Hope Varughese

Hope was born to help others. That’s taken her to work as a nurse on a medical ship in Africa, then in an operating room and now running a foundation to help others find freedom from consumer debt.


What makes you feel proud?

When my kiddos feel loved, and safe. When my husband preaches a beautifully inspiring and articulated sermon (he is a local pastor and my personal hero). When I get an email or text saying “we made our last payment, we are debt free!”

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

I hate to sound cliche, but of course Jesus. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be running a foundation helping people to walk in financial freedom. He whispers dreams into our hearts that seem laughably insurmountable. But to see those dreams come to fruition is a thing of immense and indescribable beauty. Your confidence in Him grows stronger and stronger with each laughably-insurmountable-whisper that manifests right in front of your eyes. You don’t forget it.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope that I’m more familiar with the inner workings of running a non-profit. I’m very green, and regularly have to watch instructional YouTube videos about how to accomplish very simple administrative tasks. I of course hope that my confidence grows and that our reach and message is proliferated.

“He whispers dreams into our hearts that seem laughably insurmountable. But to see those dreams come to fruition is a thing of immense and indescribable beauty.”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

When I was young we lived well below the poverty line. We didn’t have an air conditioner so I remember taking showers every night in the hot Kansas summers—with my pajamas on—and going to sleep drenched in water to make the heat bearable. I would wake up once or twice in the night completely dry and sleepily returning to the shower again, just to make it through the night. But God’s hand was on me then, and I feel it still. I often revisit those not angrily, but inspired to emphasize the importance of what I do.


Jackie Corcoran


Glenda Parker