Dana Scott

Living intentionally and celebrating other people are high on Dana’s values list, so she strives for that in her own life and helps others do the same through her thoughtfully-curated shop in Oklahoma City.


Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

I would say that other small business owners are collectively the biggest influencers in my life. Watching other small business owners go for it, launch new products, be parents, brave the hard times and find balance are things I couldn’t have done without seeing other people doing it around me. To have the drive, passion and creativity to run your own businesses and make something happen out of thin air is forever inspiring to me and something that influences me and my decisions daily.

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

I feel very strongly that giving a thoughtful gift is powerful. So often we are bogged down and too busy to put time and energy into picking out a gift for a loved one or someone who needs encouragement. I would love to make it easier for people to give quality, personal, thoughtful gifts with ease.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Covid. I opened the second location of my business the week before everything shut down. Then I had a baby, closed our first location and lost my Stepdad to Covid. The stress, fear, constant changes and unknown were harder than I ever imagined them being. Owning a small business and constantly pivoting while trying to grieve and take care of my family (and honestly, myself) wiped me out these past few years.

“To have the drive, passion and creativity to run your own businesses and make something happen out of thin air is forever inspiring to me and something that influences me and my decisions daily.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope that in one year I have worked through more of my trauma and grief from these past two years by investing time and energy in myself. And as for my business, I hope to have defined my role a little more clearly by hiring support staff and to have moved forward by scaling up in areas that we have targeted to grow.


Daisy Munoz


Emily Jensen