Daisy Munoz

Daisy says she’s where she is now thanks to the people she’s met in each phase of life, who met her where she was with kindness, humility and empowerment. Now, she’s doing the same as she works to bring a diverse perspective to city planning in OKC.


What keeps you up at night?

What keeps me up at night are all the projects I hope to accomplish from small business development, to cultivating an art scene for the Southside of OKC, to creating complete communities in the built environment. I believe in myself, my passion and my community to accomplish the vision that we set.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

The biggest influence in my life is my immigrant community. Growing up, our family, friends and neighbors are all we had. I admire them and will build on the work they have started in order to move our communities from survival to thriving.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope to be working on community-focused infrastructure projects in OKC through my current job. I hope to read more books, learn from the youth and elders and implement those transformative lessons to my work.

“I believe in myself, my passion and my community to accomplish the vision that we set.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

The biggest problem I’d like to solve in my community is agency over our future. There are forces that make plans on how our communities will change. I want those forces to stop looking past us and allow us to dictate how we want our community to evolve, and what we want our footprint to be in OKC.


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Dana Scott