Bridget Rosebeary

Bridget has been through some dark moments, but she remains an optimist through it all. She’s dedicated to being an advocate not just for herself and her own family, but all parents of children with special needs.


What makes you feel proud?

Seeing my son overcome challenges constantly despite his circumstances. Connecting with other special needs parents and having them feel heard, seen and understood. When I am kind, caring, adventurous, empathetic and advocating for others and what’s right.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My Dad. He is my biggest cheerleader, fan and advocate. He raised me, my brother and sister relatively on his own in the face of his own trauma and hardships. I am in awe of the things he has survived, overcome and blasted his way through.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Going through life with a neurodivergent brain and not knowing it for almost 40 years. It’s still a challenge in my work and personal life every day and most likely will be for the rest of my life but I’m learning techniques and taking medicine to help me. I have a little more grace for myself, instead of constantly beating myself up.

“I have a little more grace for myself, instead of constantly beating myself up.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

Greater access to resources and a better education experience for children, individuals and families with special needs.


Ashley Schubert


Ashley Otteson