Ashley Otteson

With a resume full of collegiate and professional accomplishments, it’s actually Ashley’s listening skills and genuine interest in others that make her truly exceptional.


What makes you feel proud?

Being a 4-year letter winner with the University of Oklahoma’s Women’s Soccer team. Being a bold follower of Christ. The closeness of my immediate family, both relationally and physically! My professional accomplishments. The richness of my friendships.

What keeps you up at night?

Stories of extreme human depravity, such as child abuse (or abuse of any kind). I definitely lose sleep over the struggles of those closest to me. I’m also kept up at night during seasons where I feel like I’m failing at everything important to me more often than I’m succeeding. In this life, there are so many things to keep us up!

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My parents! They’ve given the depth of their love, skills, time, energy, financial resources, expertise and more to ensure my sisters and I had everything we needed to pursue the lives we dreamed of.

“My only goal—always—is that I know God and am aligned with the truth more than I am today. I will never be ‘done’ with that.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope to have mastered the journey around my physical health. I’m moving away from diet culture and how women have been socialized to believe they should look, and into a space where I’m focused on nourishment, enjoyable and consistent movement, and overall honoring what my body needs! Also, I am always journeying to be a better spouse, friend, sister, daughter and professional.


Bridget Rosebeary


Brandi McAlister