Brandi McAlister

All Brandi ever wanted to be when she grew up was a wife, mom and teacher, and she’s become all three. She doesn’t consider her role as kindergarten teacher a job, she says she considers it a joy.


What makes you feel proud?

To have been a part of and know that my own children are saved and that they love and live for Jesus.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

The biggest obstacle in my life so far has been going through the process of grieving the death of parents less than five years apart. I suppressed my grief while I helped my young children grieve the loss of their Opa and then MeMe. You don’t ever get over a loved one, and I never stop missing them, but with God’s help, He continues to walk with me in my life without my parents. Watching my parents live out their faith and walk with Jesus my whole life prepared me for this season of my life.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

In one year, I want to be even closer to Jesus. I want to be more confident that as I am getting older, the new seasons of life will just get sweeter.

“Watching my parents live out their faith and walk with Jesus my whole life prepared me for this season of my life.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

I would like to solve the issue of neglected and abused children in my community. Children are a gift from God and created in His image. I would love for every child to have a safe and loving home. If the birth parents are not able to provide such a home, there are so many loving families that are willing and able.


Ashley Otteson


Ariel Moore