Ariel Moore

Ariel was a drug addict living with her newborn in a vacant house with no electricity or running water when she was arrested and sent into a diversion program. She believes she was saved from that experience so she could prove to others even broken people can pursue a higher purpose and God can bring anything back to life.


Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

God because I know he loves me, sees me and is for me. Also my husband. We have lived really different lives but somehow have very similar hearts. He reminds me who we are and who we’re supposed to be when I need it.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Having to start from scratch when I got sober. I had a criminal record, no friends, no money, no self-confidence, no work history, no education. I had nothing credible or valuable in this world.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

My only goal—always—is that I know God and am aligned with the truth more than I am today. I will never be “done” with that. There is always a mystery left for me to discover and I pray that one year from now I’ll know something new about God and the universe that I didn’t know today.

“My only goal—always—is that I know God and am aligned with the truth more than I am today. I will never be ‘done’ with that.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

More affordable housing and transportation solutions for people who are impoverished or starting over with no resources. I was lucky because I was in a program when I started over that in a lot of ways took care of me until I could take care of myself. Most people don’t have that but if they did, I bet we’d hear a lot more stories like mine.


Brandi McAlister


Ashley Montgomery