Bailee Bruce

In all she does, Bailee has discovered her superpower is just leading with empathy and vulnerability. As simple as it sounds, it profoundly impacts the lives of her clients, students and everyone she comes across.


What makes you feel proud?

Feeling healthy and whole within myself, honoring my boundaries, connecting with others on a deeper level, seeing my friends, family, students and clients experiencing self-growth, happiness and fulfillment and manifesting my dream life moment-by-moment as I learn to trust myself more and feel worthy of what I desire.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My husband. He moves through life at a slower pace, he lets life take him where he is meant to go versus trying to control, hack or plan his way through it. He always sees things from a higher perspective and truly loves others unconditionally. He may be a man of few words, but he is wise beyond his years. He inspires me to be a better human every day.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Work-life balance. My work naturally flows into who I am and all that I do so it is hard to just “shut it off ” at times. Especially being an entrepreneur and running my own business. I have had to make a conscious effort to put my home life first so it can be the solid foundation that my work is built upon that can sustain me over time. I am still working at it.

“No one else is you, that is your power! No one is going to execute, create, facilitate, speak or move the way you do.”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Just be yourself. It is cliche but it is true. When I lead with authenticity, good things follow. No one else is you, that is your power! No one is going to execute, create, facilitate, speak or move the way you do. Energy is real and can be felt. So, when you aren’t being true to yourself, others can pick up on that and when you are, they can sense that too.


Ashley Montgomery


Barbara Crandall