Barbara Crandall

Now retired, Barbara seeks out any opportunity she can to improve organizational life for the non-profits she loves. Her commitment to never stop learning and helping those around her inspires everyone on her path.


What keeps you up at night?

Not much keeps me up at night because I realize most organizational challenges are due to poor communication. With the right attitude and willingness to listen to individual issues, we can usually resolve and move forward successfully.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My Mother was my greatest influence. My parents had high expectations for my ethical behavior. They were not terribly strict in terms of grades or chores but expected me to treat people kindly and respectfully regardless of their race, gender or age. A strong work ethic, independence and concern for others was instilled from a young age.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

I was raised to be fiercely independent. I’ve experienced many challenges but I have been unwilling to see an obstacle. When my daughter died with leukemia at 13, it was the saddest time of my life. Prayer, friendship and family carried me through.

“My prayer is to be at peace with whatever life brings.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

Everyday I try to learn something new. I enjoy meeting new people and experiences. I know these new ideas and having new experiences will change me though I don’t how! My prayer is to be at peace with whatever life brings.


Bailee Bruce


Amy Janes