Alta Price

Knowing how much her actions can impact and influence those around her, Alta embodies a generous attitude daily to send a ripple effect through her community.


What keeps you up at night?

Any conditions, circumstances or challenges that impede another person’s quality of life keep me up at night.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My Mother showed me how to advocate for myself and others. I remember several times in my life when she allowed another family or friend to live with us while they got back on their feet. I’ve also watched her navigate some of the most heartbreaking and trying times in her life with a fighter mentality that I greatly admire.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Being vulnerable and open about the challenges in my life has been the greatest obstacle for me to overcome. As a child, I felt like if I wasn’t perfect or my family didn’t look like those TV families, then it reflected poorly on me. It wasn’t until I started working with vulnerable populations of college students that I realized how flawed my thinking had become.

These students made me understand that your life circumstances, family and failures are the sum of who you are as a person. Some of the most significant sources of strength I’ve acquired in life have resulted from the obstacles and challenges I’ve experienced.

“Some of the most significant sources of strength I’ve acquired in life have resulted from the obstacles and challenges I’ve experienced.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope to be stronger, smarter and kinder in one year than I am today. I never want to stop growing or learning in every facet of my life.


Amy Downs


Allison Jackson