Allison Jackson

Through a lot of personal hardship, Allison Jackson found purpose in helping others. She uses everything she encounters as an opportunity to choose peace of mind as a mantra and guide those around her into the same.


What keeps you up at night?

I have a good evening routine so I can find peace of mind before saying goodnight. What is not in your control, let go, and give it up to a higher self. For me that is God. Being a firefighter’s wife, and having teenage drivers could easily keep me up if I thought about all the what if scenarios.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My Dad. When I was 3 years old my Mother was diagnosed with Stevens Johnson syndrome, it caused her to go blind and live with many autoimmune diseases, and took a huge toll on her mental health.

My Dad never missed any of my activities, learned how to cook, braid hair and so much more. He taught me resiliency and showed me what unconditional love really meant.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Getting pregnant at 18. I had hard-set goals, and knew it would be very challenging as a teen mom/military wife. I decided on adoption and I scrolled through bio books of many families until I found one that checked off every box possible and would give her endless possibilities. My water broke four weeks early, and I had her within 20 hours. The nurse placed her on my chest and in that moment I knew I couldn’t go through with the adoption. Now she is 19 years old, going to college and she’s my best friend.

“The nurse placed her on my chest and in that moment I knew I couldn’t go through with the adoption.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I want to continue to evolve in my own healing and journey while supporting more women to live the life they desire.


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Valerie Riley