Lindsey Miller

Lindsey isn’t afraid to take risks and bet on herself. Her gumption has opened many doors for herself and she’s holding them open now for countless other women.


What keeps you up at night?

I worry that I don't balance it all. There is no work-life balance, but there are so many give and takes. And I want to make sure that my business and my family get what they need. I have an amazing team and I want the same for them and their families.

What's been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

My Father was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 16 and my little brother was diagnosed a year after that. Mortality and the idea that life was short hit me at an early age. We only have one life to live so I am a person that tends to jump into things with both feet. I also know how to fail quickly so I can move onto the next adventure.

What's the single biggest problem you want to solve in your community?

I think there are so many women in corners doing great work and no one knows about them. There are so many resources for entrepreneurs in our community. For so long I stayed in my office doing the work and did not seek out relationships or resources, but as soon as I did it changed my confidence and my business. I want other women to find these resources as well.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope I have more confidence in my abilities to develop and lead a team. That I have leaned into my strengths and realized my own potential.

“We only have one life to live so I am a person that tends to jump into things with both feet. I also know how to fail quickly so I can move onto the next adventure.”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Our success is only limited by the difficult conversations we are willing to have. This is for business and life. I remind myself constantly.


Linette Roberts


Lindsay Zodrow