Lindsay Zodrow

She’s obsessed with strengthening community. As a result, many have Lindsay to thank for relationships and connections that have changed lives and transformed parts of Oklahoma City.


Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

In college (Go Pokes!) I worked at this amazing coffee shop called The Third Place. There were weirdos and introverts, musicians and med students all mixed together. I have always been drawn to the kind of community that a coffee shop naturally creates. JD Bump, the guy who ran the Third Place, taught me so much about cultivating that kind of community around a place. Bump showed me the healing power that community can create and I have been obsessed with how I can strengthen my community ever since.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

The battle of mom and woman has been so freaking hard! I have always wanted to be a mom but I have also wanted a lot of other things. I think that has been my biggest obstacle. The "also." I love my children and want to be with them but I also want to be at work...alone. I want to have some quality time with my husband but also need to work on some designs. It is worth it to have these people in my life that I love so much but it also makes things harder.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I would love to have a longer fuse with my kids. I used to be such a calm, patient person. I hope that as I start to become more aware of my flaws and triggers and pride and whatever else that I will have more room to handle all the frustrations that come my way.

“It is worth it to have these people in my life that I love so much but it also makes things harder.”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Ask more questions. Don't be afraid to let people see that you don't know what you are doing.


Lindsey Miller


Linda Vater