Maisie Cross

Her curiosity combined with her no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point personality makes Maisie a breath of fresh air. It’s what her nominator refers to as a “calm confidence” that changes everyone around her for the better.


Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

Okay I know a lot of women might cringe at this but honest to goodness it's my husband, Saige. He is the most open-minded, woman-empowering, let's-get-this-show-rolling, kind, loving person I know. And he pushes me, like a lot. He sets the bar high with what hard work looks like, doesn't let me be complacent, and constantly helps me figure out my goals.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Being able to be vulnerable with people. I'm not an outwardly emotional person. I don't enjoy sharing my feelings and this can create a lot of walls, but breaking those down and letting people in, even though it's extremely hard, has let me have the most beautiful relationships possible.

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

Community involvement. There are a lot of problems that need to be fixed within our community, and I know many people agree with that statement, but there isn't enough action happening. I'm guilty of this, too, I catch myself saying "that needs to change" but am I doing anything about it? If everyone chipped in a little in areas they're passionate about, whether it's supporting local businesses, giving your time volunteering, or actually getting out and voting in the local elections, the community as a whole would be stronger than ever.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Find a vacation everyday. Even if that means walking outside and feeling the grass between your toes.

“I'm not an outwardly emotional person. I don't enjoy sharing my feelings and this can create a lot of walls, but breaking those down and letting people in, even though it's extremely hard, has let me have the most beautiful relationships possible.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope I am more confident in myself and my abilities. I hope I realize I can achieve my big goals but it takes a lot of hard work and patience. I hope to have put in that hard work and patience.


Makenzie Magnus


Maggie Murdock-Nichols