Maggie Murdock-Nichols

As Maggie was climbing the ladder of her chosen career, she suddenly looked around and realized it wasn’t a ladder she even wanted to be on at all. It set her on a course of living with intention and embracing the idea she will not miss what’s meant for her.


What makes you feel proud?

I feel proud that I haven’t always done what people have expected of me. I feel proud of my never satisfied craving for stories, I always want to know more. I truly believe I will not miss what’s meant for me. I relish motherhood for the way it both challenges and delights me. I’ve felt pulled between work and children and try to embrace the tension instead of fighting it.

What keeps you up at night?

I often lay awake at night thinking about the undeserved goodness that is my life. According to my husband, I think about everything more than anyone thinks about anything. He is not wrong.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

The biggest influence in my life is God, specifically the Holy Spirit. I have recently embraced that my desires flow from who I am and I am who God created me to be.

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

I believe a conversation, even short and not necessarily deep, can change a preconceived notion held about someone. I think we are plagued by this sense of uncertainty about people because we simply don’t know their story. If I could, I would halt the culture of busyness and place a ban on devices so we could truly connect. I’d love to see the outcome.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

There is nothing I can do to be loved more and there is nothing I can do to be loved less. I am beloved.

“I have recently embraced that my desires flow from who I am and I am who God created me to be.”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

The biggest obstacles of my life are my own thoughts. There are times I realize my worries and anxieties are leading my decisions and actions.


Maisie Cross


Madison Melon-McLawhorn