Lauren Mingee

Having built a multi-million dollar business without a college degree, Lauren doesn't just believe in the Golden Rule, she lives it out in pursuing equal opportunity hiring practices, not looking at credentials but each person’s individual potential and skills.


What makes you feel proud?

Being in a position where I can serve others. In 2016, I founded Quintessa Marketing as a solo practitioner with a start-up budget. The business has grown and I’m proud I’ve built a pathway to consistently give back to local nonprofits.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My supportive husband and four children push me to be the best version of myself. When I’m having a tough day, a silly giggle from my youngest son or a bear hug from my husband turns everything around. Faith plays a significant role in my life and cherishing and maintaining a relationship with God inspires me to look for ways to help others and be a better leader.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Working through a divorce and becoming a single mom to a 1-year-old daughter. I was just starting my business at the time, and it honestly felt like having two babies. Staying strong in my faith and trusting God would see us through to the other side was what kept me going. I learned the important lesson that my circumstances don’t define me.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

It’s important to me to set intentional goals. What brings me joy? What makes me feel whole and renewed? Examining what I most need to focus on in the moment helps me stay focused, grounded and strong.

“Examining what I most need to focus on in the moment helps me stay focused, grounded and strong.”

What keeps you up at night?

As a leader of a growing team that depends on the success of my company, the pressure can certainly weigh on me sometimes. I also think about how I can better serve our clients and provide professional development opportunities for our team.


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Kristin Garcia