Katherine Koch

A self-described over-achiever, Katherine has built a career out of helping the next generation succeed. But perhaps one of the biggest lessons she’s teaching them is what she’s learned herself: you can’t pour into others without rooting yourself in your own identity, goals and values.


What makes you feel proud?

Watching my son grow and learn makes me the proudest. Seeing him explore and discover new things every day is the most rewarding experience. I am also proud to be pursuing the highest degree level while working and “momming.” Every semester I complete fills me with immense gratitude that I get to become more educated with hopes to make a greater impact for my family, and education as a whole.

What keeps you up at night?

I worry about all things involving my son. This world is scary, and I want to protect him from everything, but know I cannot. I have self-doubt as a mother, wife, student and employee. Then again, sometimes I am kept up at night to remind myself that there is grace to learn, fail, and take care of myself and my needs.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

The biggest obstacle in my life has been fear and self-doubt paired with extremely high expectations for myself. I tend to process the worst-case scenario before attempting something new. It takes a lot of prayer, journaling and leaping for me to quiet the fear/doubt in my head and allow myself the grace to progress forward.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My Mom. She has always been present, open, kind, and willing to listen. Everything I want to be as a mother is because of what she has been to me.

“I want to be more rooted in the grace to try new things and the joy to continue learning in every aspect of my life, not letting doubt steal my joy or progress.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I want to be more rooted in the grace to try new things and the joy to continue learning in every aspect of my life, not letting doubt steal my joy or progress. I used to teach students how to participate in lifelong learning, and I hope to model that each and every day.


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Kandyce Cudjo