Kandyce Cudjo

When Kandyce hit a season of suffering in 2016, she made an intentional decision: no matter what was next, she would use all her hurt and failure and hard experiences to make herself better and help those around her.


What makes you feel proud?

The genuine love my husband and I have for each other. We had to really, really work to get to where we are today. My two children make me really proud. Our household is not perfect but it is honest and real. I am proud of the deep friendships I have with some of the greatest people on the planet. I am proud of who I came from and where I came from.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

The biggest influence in my life are my two children. As their mother, my job is to show them how to love others and work hard. Each day, I have little eyes watching how I love their daddy, treat others and serve our community. More is caught than taught, right? How I live my life when nobody's watching is how they learn to live theirs. No one is watching, but they are! Now, that’s an influencer.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

The loss of my Mom. When I was 28, my mom took a nap in the car and didn’t wake up. My heart longs for her to be a part of the greatest moments of our lives. It’s a gaping hole in my heart that will always be there but drives me to look up. And I am thankful for that.

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

Honestly, how we love each other. I wish we could put aside the stereotypes, past hurts, political parties, judgements, everything that comes between two people and just focus on kindness.

“How I live my life when nobody's watching is how they learn to live theirs. No one is watching, but they are! Now, that’s an influencer.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope I’ve learned something new. I hope that I’ve taken a risk and have knowledge about something that I didn’t have before.


Katherine Koch


Julie Reising