Julie Reising

A self-described lifelong learner, Julie highly values playfulness and connection and brings that into every area of her life, whether it’s her role as grandmother, coach or therapist.


What keeps you up at night?

Not much keeps me up at night anymore, honestly. I think I'm at a point in my life where I know what I can control in this world and what I can't, and I feel empowered by focusing on what I can influence and change. I also focus on doing work and cultivating relationships that energize me and leave me feeling satisfied at the end of the day.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

My biggest obstacle was learning to love myself and to see myself as "enough". That has been my deepest inner work and it has served as a foundation for deepening relationships with my family, friends and clients. Loving myself has also been a springboard for taking risks and having my own back in the process, learning to "fail forward" and living my most authentic—and satisfying—life.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

I've received such good advice from so many amazing humans over my lifetime. One that sticks out to me is something a former pastor told me over 20 years ago, "God calls us to do what we can, not what we can't". This helps me remember that making even a small ripple with my actions can make a meaningful difference and allows me to let go of those endeavors I'm not meant for.

“Loving myself has also been a springboard for taking risks and having my own back in the process, learning to "fail forward" and living my most authentic—and satisfying—life.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope I'm living my life even more fearlessly than I am today. I hope I'm pursuing Next Level Julie at lightning speed. I hope I'm honing my boundaries to live an even more intentional, honest and loving life than I already do. And I hope that with another year of living I've deepened my capacity for compassion and understanding for my fellow humans.


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