Judy Richey

What you see with Judy is what you get, and she’s proud to be known as a team player, a positive influence and someone who takes accountability for any mistakes she makes.


What makes you feel proud?

I love seeing women grow and achieve. I am proud when I see anyone growing and doing the right thing right.

What keeps you up at night?

I am concerned about the lack of courageous leaders throughout our society who are willing to step forward and take a stand for what is true and right, regardless of the cost. Many leaders today are not modeling the best behavior for our children to emulate.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My Mother was a twice widowed mother of four children who was very nurturing. She taught her children about honesty, faith, integrity and held us accountable. She was the epitome of strength, regardless of her gender.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

I've struggled with perfectionism and believing in myself and my abilities. With time, maturity and experience, I learned that we are all a work in progress and to accept and work with those strengths and weaknesses.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I want to be stronger in my faith, kinder and more understanding and more fit—a better version of myself.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

It was very simply to get as much education as possible. Education prepares one in multiple ways--acquisition of a body of knowledge, exposes the mind to new ways of thinking and behaving, and helps to open doors.

“With time, maturity and experience, I learned that we are all a work in progress and to accept and work with those strengths and weaknesses.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

All of the biggest problems will be solved step-by-step, and most are interconnected. Following my commitment to financial education, I want to solve the financial inequities because that leads to access and progress in almost all areas.


Julie Reising


Julie Gamblin