Julie Gamblin

Julie grew up thinking as long as she didn’t try too hard, she might be able to avoid failing. But thankfully she bet on herself even when she felt afraid and went on not just to achieve personal success but to give back to the community in huge ways.


What makes you feel proud?

My husband Dave and I will be celebrating our 38th wedding anniversary and that is something I am proud of for sure! Very proud of our children and grandchildren as well. I am proud of my education and experiences I have been blessed with by God. I am thankful and appreciate the opportunities that I have been given throughout my life.

What keeps you up at night?

Hot flashes for sure! Even though I know God is in charge it's hard not to worry about the future for our children and grandchildren. These mass shootings break my heart to hear about and the hate that seems to be so prevalent in the world today.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

I would say God first as He is the reason that I am on this Earth and He loves me unconditionally which we all need! Second, my husband Dave. He has been my supporter and often gives me advice (even though sometimes I disagree) for more than 38 years.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Listen more and talk less. Obviously I am still a work in progress on that one!

“Even though I know God is in charge it's hard not to worry about the future for our children and grandchildren. ”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

I have so many, including myself and fear, which of course sounds crazy. I came from a farm family of six children and no one had completed a college degree so that was a challenge to get to college. When I told my Mom I wanted to attend law school she told me “you know there is a lot of reading.” She loved me but didn’t want to see me fail. I would have to say my own doubts and insecurities, those are my biggest obstacles.


Judy Richey


Jodi Berge