Kati Christ

As she’s climbed the corporate ladder, Kati has learned the value of prioritizing her role as a parent. Now she uses her personal experience to shape the culture of her entire team, which has a ripple effect throughout her community.


What makes you feel proud?

Professionally the proudest moments are those when my team is successful and wins. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the hard work of those you care about and work with come to fruition.

What keeps you up at night?

As a leader, I worry about the things I cannot control but nevertheless think about constantly because of the potential impact. Recession, labor shortage, personnel issues, change, leading by example...Some of these things are shared concerns with the team and with are concerns of clients. However, some of the issues are mine to bear alone, and that keeps me awake for I am keenly aware that leading by example is important, and everyone is watching.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

First, my Dad showed me what it meant to be unconditionally loved. My Dad had flaws and was not perfect but he taught me that we have an obligation to give back because we may find ourselves in need of help one day. Second, my Grandfather. He was my best friend. I learned the value of hard work and integrity from him from an early age. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of and miss them both terribly.

“There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the hard work of those you care about and work with come to fruition.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I am currently being pushed out of my comfort zones more than ever due to a variety of factors. I hope a year from now, I am able to look back and see my growth and transformation, both personally and professionally. While I have always considered myself an empathic person, I believe, hope and expect this will expand my breadth of compassion for others who are experiencing changes that truly are out of their control. I hope to be a better leader as a result.


Kati Hanna


Katherine Koch