Joi Slemp

Nobody embodies service and intentional living like Joi. In the middle of a global crisis and pandemic, she overcame tremendous challenges to open a desperately-needed child care option for families in OKC’s urban core.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

“How you spend your time, is how you spend your life.”

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My husband is definitely the biggest influence in my life. He is almost completely opposite from me when it comes to approaching a subject, which brings fresh insight and challenges that help me grow.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

One year from today, I hope I’ve gained more clarity on how to live more in the present, not wasting a single moment.

“There is so much goodness that comes from relationships and I truly believe that if we all were more aware of who our neighbor is and how we can love them well, we’d see a lot less wrong in our neighborhoods.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

The single biggest problem that I’d like to solve in my community is connectivity. There is so much goodness that comes from relationships and I truly believe that if we all were more aware of who our neighbor is and how we can love them well, we’d see a lot less wrong in our neighborhoods.

What keeps you up at night?

Injustices keep me up at night. I can’t fight them all, but there are one or two that I’ve set my sights on.

joi is one of 100 women we have featured in the inaugural issue of Hundred Magazine. To learn more about her and the other 99 women, buy the issue.


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