Jillian Trujillo

Thrust into a leadership position at an early age at one of Oklahoma City’s fastest-growing companies, Jillian has led the way in compassion, vulnerability and putting people first.

What keeps you up at night?

Can I just answer with anxiety? Kidding (kind of). I think what keeps a lot of us up at night is wondering if we are doing it right. Did I answer that email with all the necessary information? Was I able to help and add value to our team members today? Did we do our best to solve the xyz problem? And also very often, did I remember to switch out the laundry?

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

The biggest obstacle in my life so far is not something I often talk about, but something I think many of us face, overcoming anxiety. For me, it often creates roadblocks that stop me dead in the middle of what I am doing. Learning to cope and understand this part of myself is an ongoing struggle.

“…Crawl, walk, run. I have a tendency to want to jump in headfirst and remembering these three simple words has helped guide many of the business decisions I have made. It reminds me to slow down, it reminds me that life is not a rush and it reminds me that time is precious.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope that I am able to find a way to better separate my business life from family life. It truly is a struggle to turn off the business brain when you leave the office and focus on home life. Especially working with family, it becomes so difficult to draw those lines of separation. I hope I learn to better navigate this and be able to be more present in the moment.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

It’s simple and short, but one of the first pieces of business advice I received from my Father was crawl, walk, run. I have a tendency to want to jump in headfirst and remembering these three simple words has helped guide many of the business decisions I have made. It reminds me to slow down, it reminds me that life is not a rush and it reminds me that time is precious.

jillian is one of 100 women we have featured in the inaugural issue of Hundred Magazine. To learn more about her and the other 99 women, buy the issue.


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