Jessica Rimmer

It’s one thing to have the tools to be successful, and another thing entirely to be able to call up and equip others for success. Jessica has built a career fighting for others to live out their highest possible good that will have a ripple effect throughout the city.

What makes you feel proud?

I feel proud when an idea I had changes things. When I see the spark of insight happen in the eyes of a coaching client, I’m satisfied. When a recommendation I made impacts the trajectory of an organization, it makes me work harder. The penultimate impact is when something I build or create outlasts me.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

The true answer here is Jesus. He is my source and guiding direction. I would also say, John Fozard, my former boss. He saw more in me than I saw in myself and kept pushing to get the best out of me. I will always be changed because of him.

“The penultimate impact is when something I build or create outlasts me.”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

It is funny how your perspective on obstacles changes over the course of time. If I had been asked this question in my 20s, I would have said that a harsh walk through depression would have been the biggest obstacle. It is just hard to figure out how to dig deep and find your way back to strength when you visit the depths of despair. Looking back, though, I am so grateful for that experience because it carved so much compassion and patience in me that I don’t know how I would have otherwise gained. In my 30s, it has definitely been motherhood. There is something so character-forming about figuring out how to responsibly mold the life of a child. It has definitely softened me and called me to personal discipline in my life to be the mom of three little people who look to me for so many things.

jessica is one of 100 women we have featured in the inaugural issue of Hundred Magazine. To learn more about her and the other 99 women, buy the issue.


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