Tiffany Holliman

A first generation Asian American, Tiffany knew she was straying from her parents’ plan for her to take a more traditional career path in pursuing opening a bridal shop. But she chose the unconventional and is determined to make them proud anyway.


What makes you feel proud?

When I graduated from college, I wrote down a list of things I wanted to accomplish in life. Creating Avari Bridal was at the very top of that list. I feel proud when I look around and see how far I’ve come with my business. It feels amazing to help brides feel special on their wedding day.

What keeps you up at night?

Business. I always seem to come up with the perfect designs at 2 a.m. I always keep a sheet of paper and a pen on my nightstand so I can scribble down my thoughts at any time.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My parents are the biggest influence in my life. They may not understand my career choice at all times, but they taught me the importance of hard work. They’re the reason I’m where I am today. I know there is no such thing as “can’t be done” as long as I never give up.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Putting my art into the world has been the biggest obstacle in my life so far. When I decided to start Avari, I was terrified and felt completely vulnerable. The unknown about how strangers would perceive my designs made me second guess my decision to start my own business multiple times. In the end, I knew that I needed to at least try it or else I would always wonder “what if.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

A year from today I hope that I’ve learned more. Learned more in my business, learned more about my friends and family and learned more about myself.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Never give up, keep your head held high and continue to work as hard as you can.

“I know there is no such thing as ‘can’t be done’ as long as I never give up.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

I’d like to see more female Asian American entrepreneurs in the community. It would be wonderful to have a strong network of women supporting each other as we grow our businesses together.


Viviana Wilson


Taylor Self