Viviana Wilson

Viviana often sees what others cannot. That combined with keen listening skills and a respect for individuality and boundaries has helped her solve problems for countless local business owners.


What makes you feel proud?

My ability to live a life that lets me see the world as a bigger place and experience it in many different ways with my family, friends, clients and pets.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

I see obstacles as opportunities so with that in mind I would say leaving my home as a teenager to pursue a career as an athlete which led to moving, and ultimately building a life in a foreign country.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

Professionally, by this time next year, I hope to have a better sense of how Covid and working from home has changed the overall way we do day-to-day business. My goal is to use that information to help the business owners I work with adapt their own internal operations and processes. And personally, I hope to be even further in my never ending quest to be the best human I can be for all the people in my life.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

"How you start is how you end, so be mindful of your actions and decisions from the very beginning."

“I see obstacles as opportunities so with that in mind I would say leaving my home as a teenager to pursue a career as an athlete which led to moving, and ultimately building a life in a foreign country.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

There are several problems I would like to solve for our community that are out of my reach. With that said, I believe Oklahoma City business owners are some of the most resourceful people I know. If we could collectively target community problems together, we can solve anything. This is one area that I am actively seeking to improve through my business strategy groups.


Veleecia Hearne-McKeever


Tiffany Holliman