Veleecia Hearne-McKeever

Her mission is to be inclusive, collaborative, poised and engaging with everyone she comes across, even the most challenging personalities. And those who know Veleecia would say she’s succeeding.


What makes you feel proud?

Growing up, I would not consider my immediate family cohesive. Now, being a mother, wife, sister, and aunt, I feel a sense of gratitude and pride for building the family that I wish I had when I was younger.

What keeps you up at night?

No matter someone’s beliefs, I think everyone feels like the world is a little on fire right now: economically, politically, spiritually and environmentally. What kinds of lives will my daughters lead when the ashes from that fire are simmering? Will they be a part of the solution? Will they lead others through the ashes into a better life? I surely hope so.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope I have grown in my marriage. We eloped during the pandemic when we were surprised by the pregnancy, so we had time to focus on ourselves and what we want from our marriage. I never want to be complacent. I want to always be growing and learning from him, just as he does for me. We both deserve the best parts of ourselves, and we are both so very committed to growing every single year together.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

The best advice I received was that “intention does not mitigate impact”. I use it as a motto, especially when it’s time to rumble in the office space. It simply reminds me to think before I speak, because once the words leave my mouth, I can never get them back.

“What kinds of lives will my daughters lead when the ashes from that fire are simmering? Will they be a part of the solution? Will they lead others through the ashes into a better life? I surely hope so.”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Overcoming anxiety and postpartum depression after my second pregnancy. It tested who I was at the core, who I believed myself to be. It took some time with the help of doctors and therapists (and a very supportive partner) to work through my anxieties and slowly become the woman I used to be.


Veronica Wisniewski


Viviana Wilson