Naoma Serna-Zahn


Naoma is a business owner, wife & new mom. A travel enthusiast, she recently spent a year out of the country but is back in Oklahoma City refreshed and with new perspective. Here’s how she described her typical day back when she contributed to Hundred Magazine, before she gave birth to her son:

I wake up read a chapter of whatever book I'm currently reading. Get ready while listening to podcasts and have coffee/orange juice (while I've been pregnant) and scan my emails to see if anything important has come through. I spend 30 more minutes responding to emails and questions from the team before attempting to delve into my to-do list. My days are usually spent engaging with client and the team offering feedback or insight to ensure we are meeting all deadlines and getting ahead of the curve. In the afternoons I typically am able to tackle my own to-do list, which now includes a lot of writing and internal Nuevo Studio work. In the evenings I have dinner with Harrison and zone out from work whether that is reading, watching Netflix, checking out new articles.

Learn more about Naoma by listening to this episode of The Wildly Capable Woman or flipping to page 81 of Hundred Magazine.


Kris Williams


Mary Stalder