Tricia Rogers
What makes Tiffany Wildly Capable?
“Highly skilled at her job, Tricia deeply cares about making sure her talents in advertising are used for the greater good. It’s rare to find someone who applies so much personal responsibility to her work and it’s truly inspiring to watch her do it.” HANNAH SCHMITT
What makes you feel proud?
Seeing something I have contributed to make a difference in our state. Seeing a project run smoothly internally because of a system I helped create.
Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?
My mom and sisters. They help me remember what is important and defeat the crazy lies I tell myself. They are all successful in different ways and they are all inspiring.
What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?
My husband and I have gone though some really big health problems. They have forced us to make decisions that we never thought we’d have to make, and we have had to figure out what that means for our lives. It makes you realize what your priorities are and how to adjust expectations for what your life looks like.
One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?
I hope I’ve found a place that I feel like I’ve impacted. Continue to grow connections and explore opportunities that come along. I hope I’m nicer to myself when something goes wrong.
What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?
Helping people be aware of all the resources around them and that they aren’t alone. Making sure people know they can get help and that everyone doesn’t have life figured out. Mental health is so important and needs to be accessible for everyone.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Choose joy. I get in my head a lot. When you start to understand there is a choice in how you approach problems, it changes how you get through it.