Jessica McCollough
What makes Jessica Wildly Capable?
Jessica is your biggest cheerleader, your number one fan and she’s in perpetual pursuit of what fills her cup and brings her joy. Not only does she help others understand they’re not alone in how they’re feeling, she reminds them (and her daughters) that it’s never too late to start again. MANDI BRIGGS
What makes you feel proud?
The ability to adapt and change. I’m super flexible and believe in rolling with the punches. But most importantly, I’ve been with my husband since high school and I’m so proud of our marriage and the life we’ve built for our four children.
What keeps you up at night?
Fortunately, not much. If my children are hurting or struggling, that rocks my world. But I find comfort in that they will learn through their experiences.
Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?
A friend of mine, Jina Tolle, has had a huge influence on my life. We were neighbors for a long time. She taught me how to be a generous neighbor, a school volunteer, an involved mama, a devoted wife and most importantly a proud Christian. She’s been battling stage 4 cancer for almost seven years and her journey, her fight and her attitude are examples to all.
What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?
I’ve held myself back for so long for fear of what others think of me. Learning to let that go has eliminated so many obstacles (that were only in my head). Navigating life with four children can be tricky, but it is what fuels me.
One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?
I hope I’m different in that I have more “work/life” balance.
What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?
I think new mamas need better resources for postpartum depression and anxiety. As a nurse, I knew what I was experiencing after my third child wasn’t right, but I was still afraid to speak up and ask for help. We need help reducing the shame and stigma around mental illness. Motherhood is hard, and support should be easier to access.