Naoma Serna-Zahn

Have a conversation with Naoma and you’ll leave feeling inspired to disrupt, buck tradition and chart a new course.

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

Getting out of comfort zones. I see so many women stay stuck or think they need to stay where they are because it’s expected of them. I want to teach women that leaving your comfort zone equals more growth and more happiness. Though, it’s incredibly uncomfortable and vulnerable to do so.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My great grandmother, Naoma. I learned: It doesn’t matter where you come from, you can be anything you want to be. You can achieve anything you want to do with knowledge. And knowledge is around you, if you are willing to learn how to learn.

“I see so many women stay stuck or think they need to stay where they are because it’s expected of them. I want to teach women that leaving your comfort zone equals more growth and more happiness.”

What makes you feel proud?

The life I lead. I am proud of myself for willing to fight for the things I want. I am extremely proud of my sister, my husband, my team, my business, and my friends who are also making progress to live the life they want. Don’t get me wrong, it is not all figured out and it is constantly a work in progress. But I feel proud that I can say I am moving back to Mexico for the year with my husband so we can reconnect and experience a different type of lifestyle for a while. I am proud that my circle of friends and loved ones are real and encouraging. I am proud of myself for leaving trauma behind, healing and gaining a growth mindset.

naoma is one of 100 women we have featured in the inaugural issue of Hundred Magazine. To learn more about her and the other 99 women, buy the issue.


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