Amy Janes

Although Amy moved to Oklahoma to “retire,” she soon got right to work diversifying the local economy through starting a collection of endeavors around the film and entertainment industry and she brings her passion for learning and innovating into all she does.


What makes you feel proud?

Nothing makes me prouder than seeing our graduates from the Oklahoma Film and TV Academy (OFTA) find success. There have been hundreds of lives that have positively changed since Green Pastures Studio and OFTA opened their doors in 2020.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

The biggest influence in my life is my husband, Richard, and two children, Ella and Finn. I have yet to meet individuals who have such amazing work ethics and big hearts. They keep me grounded and help me work through my own insecurities that I face as a woman in this business. All three of them have found their passions and watching them grow with each day keeps me inspired. No matter what challenges we face, together we can get through it.

What keeps you up at night?

I can honestly say I rest well at night with the realization that I am making a difference in our state. I used to find myself worried about where the next chunk of money would come from, but now, I know that our work is being greeted with positive energy and we will certainly be okay, no matter what.

“I used to find myself worried about where the next chunk of money would come from, but now, I know that our work is being greeted with positive energy and we will certainly be okay, no matter what.”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Without a doubt, many obstacles have been thrown in my direction throughout my life... I promise my autobiography is going to be rich with drama. From being homeless with two children to family medical emergencies, I really have seen it all. Consistently, however, the biggest obstacle is always time. I have many, many balls in the air at any moment and finding the time to keep them aloft has been challenging. Of course, finding time for myself is always the hardest.


Barbara Crandall


Andrea Fillmore