Jessica Lauren

Rapidly going from a nanny with no clue about film production to a field producer climbing the ranks, Jessica credits her success to the constant work she’s put in to overcome her lack of self-confidence.


What keeps you up at night?

God willing, I made something out of nothing. I showed up to shadow someone on a job I was interested in, and from there climbed the ladder of opportunities until it got me here. The best part is I'm only getting started. I cannot wait to see what my life continues to evolve into. I feel proud that I held on long enough through the darkness to see the light of a new day. Who knew this life was on the other side?

What keeps you up at night?

Feeling like I haven't done enough to further my career. Trying to plan and scheme all of my tomorrows so I can string them together in the work of art that is life. I always feel like I should be farther along, making more money, etc.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

My lack of self-esteem, it was just chronically, pathetically, terribly non-existent. I felt too fat, too loud, too passionate, too crazy, too emotional, too annoying to ever find belonging. I thought that belonging was on the other side of size two jeans, the perfect outfit and a stone-cold demeanor. Really truly finding a place where WHO I am, AS I am, was not just tolerated but celebrated; that was life changing.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Be ready for when opportunity comes your way.

“I feel proud that I held on long enough through the darkness to see the light of a new day. Who knew this life was on the other side?”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

Feelings of loneliness. I hope we grow out of our busy isolated lives and learn to value taking time for each other more, showing up for each other more. Living and doing life together.


Jodi Berge


Jenna Morey