Erin Taylor

Erin says she’s okay entering into hard things if she believes it’s for the good of others. And that’s what truly separates her from others and puts her on a path to serve those around her.


What makes you feel proud?

As a follower of God, His goodness makes me feel so proud. As we can see it all around us, so long as we are aware and observant, the goodness of God is everywhere.

What keeps you up at night?

At the moment what is keeping me up at night is parenting. I am blessed to have an amazing son and daughter and they are good kids. But raising kids in the world we currently are in is scary; and with all of the conflict going on around us constantly the division, criticism and hatred weighs me down and keeps me up at night. How can I best prepare my kids to love well? How can I best prepare my kids to make wise decisions for their future and the future of their children?

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

Jesus. There is not much more I desire than to follow Him closely & to lead others to do the same.

“Worry and fear are not what I am called to live in. Trusting and obeying brings joy and produces fruit in my life that I get to pass on to others.”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

The biggest obstacle in my life so far is the space between my ears. A negative mindset and negative self-worth leads me on a downward spiral. Overcoming the desire to think of the worst case scenario instead of trusting in faith that the people I love and I will be okay has been a struggle of mine.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

In one year from today I hope to worry and fear less and trust more and be more positive. Worry and fear drown out the truth. Worry and fear are not what I am called to live in. Trusting and obeying brings joy and produces fruit in my life that I get to pass on to others.


Glenda Parker


Jacqueline Corley