Elizabeth Hale

A nurturer by nature, Elizabeth has changed the arts landscape in Oklahoma City with her presence and her passion for seeing others flourish.


Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My Mom! She always seemed to balance work and family with such strength and grace. Being a woman in business can be tricky to navigate at times. I feel like she managed to be seen as someone with compassion and empathy, while also staying tough and holding her own. It’s something I am striving for.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Learning to say no. In every personality test I have ever taken I am the caregiver, helper and nurturer type. I want to do everything I can to make life easier and better for those around me, but an empty cup can’t pour into others, and that is a lesson I am still learning.

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

It feels like so many issues have become so divisive and I hope we can get to a place where people can show more compassion and understanding to those around them and enter into all situations with an open mind and a desire to learn.

“Take a breath, and work towards a solution, because often the issue is smaller than you think it is during that initial moment of panic.”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

The sky is not falling! I had a mentor early in my career print out a picture of Chicken Little to have at my desk. She taught me that the time you spent freaking out about a problem could be just as easily spent fixing it. Take a breath, and work towards a solution, because often the issue is smaller than you think it is during that initial moment of panic.


Cynthia Benson


Cierra Eastep