Elizabeth Larios

Because of her ability to see the big picture and equip others to handle the details, Elizabeth is coordinating land, incentives and economic tools to develop a bright future in the development for Oklahoma City.


What makes you feel proud?

Representing the Latino community on different boards and committees is a huge honor for me. I hope and strive to be an independent voice offering various levels of opinions and try to offer an array of views I have noticed in our community.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

At the age of 14 my Father, due to our broken immigration system, had to self-deport back to Mexico to fix his immigration status the “right way.” He was and is the best dad in the whole wide world. Having him exit my life to fix documentation this country required of him was extremely difficult. His absence was and is the biggest obstacle I have ever had to maneuver around. I miss him daily.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I desire to continue to elevate my voice as the Hispanic community leader in Oklahoma to advocate more effectively for community members. And I hope to continue to advance in my career.

“There are tools and resources in our city available for us to thrive but not many know how to use or access them and I want to help change that.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

Access to powerful information regarding community and economic development. There are tools and resources in our city available for us to thrive but not many know how to use or access them and I want to help change that. I’d like to help solve the equitable economic development concern in our city and even our state.


Cynthia Huffmyer


Cyndi Munson