Cynthia Huffmyer

Cynthia believes in the life-changing power of realizing the power of God’s magnificent love for you personally. She believes in it so much she’s dedicated more than 40 years of her life to teaching that principle to other women.


What makes you feel proud?

For others to grasp and implement what I share into their lives. My whole adult life has been about teaching the Word of God. When someone takes what I’ve taught them and implements it and it has impact on their life, it’s really so fulfilling. I know the power of God’s Word and truth into your life. And the joy of raising sons and now having grandchildren, that makes me proud.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope I am closer to Jesus and more passionate about His work. I’ve never gotten to the end of the wonder of God’s Word. It’s so inclusive and specific and wonderful. I hope to stay curious and in awe of that.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

My Mother’s mental health. Growing up, she was not emotionally well. I suffered a lot of abuse and really had to learn to overcome that and really triumph over it. It might sound super religious, but I’m not religious. I’m just all about a relationship with Christ. And it totally changed me to know He loved me. A part of my Mother was very loving, but another part of her was very scary and she took a lot of things out on me. But I could hear the Lord’s voice always telling me I was loved.

“I’ve never been about people learning to cope. God wants you healed, he wants you whole. He has true and real healing for you and I know that from experience.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

That more people trust God and live by His principles. I’ve never been about people learning to cope. God wants you healed, he wants you whole. He has true and real healing for you and I know that from experience.


Cierra Eastep


Elizabeth Larios